Saturday, September 4, 2010

All play and no work :)

Friday night Ben went to play xbox with Eric so Cindy and I decided we would go do girl things. We called Sarah and made her come with us :) Girl things included going to downtown Richmond for Richmond's First Fridays Art Walk. It was really cool. We saw a lot of cool pieces of art, we heard lots of different types of music, and my favorite was seeing all the DIFFERENT types of people. :) We also went to Applebees and shared an appetizer because we didn't want to get home too early. It was nice to have some girl time.

Yup...I'm short.

Saturday included sleeping in WAY late and going to the the Johnston's for some homemade pizza with several of our friends from the ward. We're now watching the BYU game. You can tell how much I am paying attention to it...I'm blogging instead!

Seriously, bugs are EVERYWHERE. Big, creepy, jumpy ones.
At least this one wasn't in my house!

1 comment:

  1. a cockroach crawled on me when I was sleeping the other night....I bombed the house the next morning, came back to a house FULL of dead roaches....EWWWWWWWWW
