Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cafe Rio Dinner Night

On Saturday many of the husbands of the couples we live around left us early to head to the library. They stayed all day because they have a big test coming up on Monday. SOO Erin and I cooked dinner! We had NO CLUE what we were getting ourselves into when we said we would cook a Cafe Rio Dinner. Preparations started at 10 am and didn't end until 6:30! We made roast beef, chicken, and pork salads. We spent a lot of money, made a mess, dirtied a lot of dishes, had a lot of laughs, and filled a lot of empty tummies. We had enough to feed 10 families and then had some great left overs for Sunday dinner!!

I think my hubby liked it :)


  1. Sounds like you guys have such a fun group of Ben's classmates and their families! Happy you've made friends so quickly!

  2. Sounds like it was lots of fun. We missed you in Utah for our big get together. Good luck this week with med school and job hunting. Love ya!

  3. I found your blog through Lara's! but thanks again! It was so yummy!!

  4. Sounds delicious!!! I so miss Cafe Rio -- fun idea to make your own rendition of their awesome food!

  5. Wow I am very impressed with you two!
