Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow Day!

My Christmas Break started early because we had a decent snow storm on Thursday which means everything closes down. If we had been in Utah we would have still been in school and going about our daily lives.

Ben and I drove Kurt to the airport while it was still snowing. We made it there and back safely but there were many people on the side of the rode who had slid into the ditch. The whole ride I kept pointing out the smart drivers from the stupid drivers. The drivers here are ridiculous no matter what the weather is apparently. I thought they would want to drive a little bit better because of the snow but I was wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish we had a freak snow storm here in Los Angeles so that we could get a snow day. ;) I don't think we'll ever be that lucky, at least in my lifetime. Glad you guys were safe!
