I've been spending a good amount of time reading. I finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It was great. If you are looking for a good read I would recommend it. It is about the lives of black women serving white women in the 1960's.
This weekend and Monday Ben and I were able to enjoy some time with each other and friends. We went out to eat on Friday night after Ben had class and when we were done we had people over to play games. We played Ticket to Ride and Ben didn't win. Seems like he is getting used to not winning which is a good thing for everyone!
Saturday we then went to see the Karate Kid at The Byrd Theatre with Kurt (friend from BYU) and the Andersons (couple from the ward). You should check it out! http://byrdtheatre.com/restoration/overview/ It was built in 1928 when going to movies was huge. There was a huge chandelier above us and balcony seating. The girls at the popcorn counter were in cocktail dresses. Before the movie started a man came up from the ground playing the organ. He played a ton of songs one of which was Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Everyone sang along. It was quite the experience and it was only $2.00.
Sunday was nice and relaxing. We went to church and had Kurt over for dinner. In the evening the Badgers (they've been the couple helping us get situated since we got here) had us over to play games. On Monday we had FHE with the Andersons. Sarah and Evan are in our ward. They came over and we made crepes. Ben used the crepe maker we got for our wedding and Sarah used a pan. Both made great crepes. Evan and I took turns cutting up fruit and making more crepe batter. We made dinner crepes and dessert crepes. They were DELICIOUS...especially the dinner ones which had chicken, brie cheese, and granny smith apple slices.
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